martes, 6 de septiembre de 2016

Anne Clare Graham
Her work:

The concept and inspiration for these jewellery designs have evolved through a series of observations and drawings of architectural and organic forms and their juxtaposition. This has resulted in her work being a combination of geometric and stylised natural shapes. The pieces are fabricated using traditional techniques and experimenting with new ones. The details and patterns are integrated in the designs through the use of texture, shape and form balancing symbolic elements in silver and gold and silver and Perspex.
The coloured Perspex brooches are laser cut so incorporate the use of new technology.

Her Curriculum:

Anne Clare Graham is a graduate from Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art. As well as her main profession as a lecturer, Anne works as a professional jewellery maker from her own workshop in Kilbarchan, designing and making jewellery and small silversmithing pieces, predominantly in precious metals, sometimes incorporating semi-precious and precious stones mainly for galleries and commissions.

Her work has been exhibited widely including Goldsmiths’ Hall, Liberty’s, Kelvingrove Art Gallery, Roger Billcliffe Gallery, The Scottish Gallery, The National Museums of Scotland,Galerie Beeld & Aambeeld in Holland and galleries in New York, Japan, France Australia and Germany. A collection of her work is always available at the Roger Billcliffe Gallery.

Major commissions include a presentation piece for Baroness Thatcher, the former Prime Minister, Scottish Gas, the BBC for ‘Making Waves’ and the ‘Negotiator’, the 1999 film ‘The Match‘ (she was also asked ’on set’ as a professional consultant and hired out part of her workshop for props). Her napkin rings were selected as part of the 1999 Civic Gift Collection for Glasgow City Council. Her work has been selected for Artisan and for Scottish Select and is held in private collections.

She was selected as a participant in Onno Boekhoudt’s masterclass at Edinburgh College of Art in 1998.

Anne was a Senior Lecturer in the Jewellery Department, Faculty of Creative Industries, at Glasgow Clyde College (Cardonald campus) until June 2016 also lectures in the Evening and Summer School for Continuing Education at Glasgow School of Art. Anne has been a visiting lecturer at both Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Glasgow School of Art.

Through her work in education Anne has been instrumental in developing International links and projects for staff and students with companies such as Niessing, Germany and through her role as Project Coordinator for the British
Council Comenius Project ‘Open Circle’ instigated and led by the Jewellery Department at Glasgow Clyde College (originally Cardonald College).

More recently Anne was nominated and Shortlisted for the Creative and Cultural Skills Award , London ,2015.

images taken by Roger Millar

David Hempstead
His Curriculum:

David Hempstead graduated from Glasgow School of Art and took a year of Postgraduate study. He worked for 3 years in the jewellery trade in London, giving him a breadth of experience in stone setting and casting. He then undertook a Post Graduate study in teaching.

David was employed by Cardonald College from 1989-2011.During this time he was Section Leader of Jewellery, Ceramics and Industrial Design,and subsequently Head of School of Art & Design.

David has exhibited at the Electrum Gallery and Argenta in London and is one of the permanent gallery artists at The Roger Billcliffe Gallery, Glasgow . His work is mainly produced for exhibition but he does undertake Private Commissions.

For the past nine years David has helped lead a staff/student workshop at Niessing and Carl Dau in Germany.Other workshops undertaken were with an Italian Jewellery Company,and Chivas Brothers Ltd.


Edimburg-born designer Judy McCaig produces mixed-media designs inspired by her travels and her reactions to natural phenomena. Now a resident of Barcelona, Judy studied in Dundee, Scotland, before completing an MA at the Royal College of Art in London.

Recipient of many awards, Judy Mccaig’s jewelry has been exhibited internationally at venues in Germany, France, Spain, in United-States and Canada. She currently teaches the Art in jewellery program at Escola Massana, in Barcelona and is often a visiting artist in different schools of Europe and abroad.
Judy desarrolla su actividad artística en distintos ámbitos del pequeño formato:
joyería, pintura, grabado, pequeños objetos; 

como profesora, transmite sus conocimientos suavemente y con profundidad.

Entre sus últimas exhibiciones destacan:
2016 ‘Jewel:the inspiration in the past’ Museo de La Evolucion Humana,Burgos,Spain 2016 “Stranger Than Animal” two person Show, Tasso Mattar/Judy McCaig 2015 Winter Journey, group show, Slavik Gallery, Vienna, Austria 2015 A Sense of Jewellery, 40 jewellery designers of the past 40 years.The Goldsmiths Centre,London 2015 Premio Fondazione Cominelli, 6thEdition, Salò, Lake Garda, Italy 2015 "Silence please", Galerie Noel Guyomarch, Montréal, Canada 2014 Confrontation, Sieraad Award, New Traditional Jewellery, 2013 “La Frontera” Museo Franz Mayer, Mexico City/Velvet da Vinci,SF 2013 “Ferrous”, Velvet Da Vinci Gallery/Crafthaus, San Francisco, USA New 2012-13 Nomads, NTJ, The Museum of Modern Art Arnhem, Holland 2011 ¡Genial! New jewellery from Spain, Velvet Da Vinci, San Francisco 2010 Minimum“19th Legnica International Jewellery Competition”, joint“Grand Prix”
winner, The Gallery of Art, Legnica, Poland

Address: Apartado Correos 31353
08080 Barcelona, Spain
Birth: 1957
Nationality: British


1975-80 Diploma in Art, Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art, Dundee
Post Diploma in Art, Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art, Dundee
1980-83 Master of Art, Royal College of Art, London
1985-88 Studied Printmaking and Etching, Chelsea School of Art, London
1986, 88, 96 Visiting Lecturer, Edinburgh and Glasgow Schools of Art
1991 Visiting Lecturer, Massana School of Art, Barcelona
1994 Visiting Lecturer, La Llotja School of Art, Barcelona
2001-09 Part-time Lecturer, Massana School of Art, Barcelona
2002-05 Symposium, Czech Republic, USA, Poland and Portugal
2005-07 Part-time Lecturer, Edinburgh College of Art, Edinburgh


Crafts Council Collection, London
National Museums of Scotland, Edinburgh
British Museum, London, Medal commissioned by British Art Medal Society
Vydalo Museum, Ceskeho ráje, Turnov, Czech Republic
Elizabeth Moinard Private Collection, Glasgow

Since 1980 exhibits work in collective and solo exhibitions in Europe, USA, Canada and


1980 International Light Fair, Munich
1983 Group Show, Spectrum Gallery, Munich
1985 Riverside Studio Open Exhibition, London
1987 Royal Academy Summer Exhibition, London
1987 Crafts Council Christmas Exhibition, London
1987-88 International Print Biennial, New York
1988 Sotheby’s Decorative Arts Awards Exhibition, London
1988 Atlas 3 Exhibition, Nigel Greenwood Gallery, London
1988 Prints and Jewellery, Solo Show, The Scottish Gallery, Edinburgh
1988 Floor to Ceiling Print Show, Pomeroy Purdy Gallery, London
1990 Figurativa Exhibition, Hipòtesi Gallery, Barcelona
1990 Center for international Contemporary Arts, New York
1990 Great British Design Exhibition, Tokyo
1990 Royal Overseas League Exhibition, London
1990 Miharudu Gallery, Tokyo
1991 Current Works, Mixed Exhibition, Running Ridge Gallery, Santa Fe, USA
1991 Second Bharat Bharan International Biennial of Prints, Bhopal, India
1991 SOFA Chicago, Represented by The Scottish Gallery
1992 Ten Scottish Jewellers, Hipótesi Gallery, Barcelona
1992 Joies Indissenyables, 15 International Jewellers, Capelle de L’Antic.
Hospital de Ia Santa Creu, Barcelona
1993 Two Person Show, The Scottish Gallery, with Paul Preston, Edinburgh
1993 Four Person Show, Running Ridge Gallery, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA
1993 The Chemistry Set, London Travelling, Southern Art/Crafts Council
1994 Stories of Accessory, Eight Person Show, Cosima Art Gallery, Tokyo
1995 “Story Boxes” Box Show, Claude André Gallery, Brussels
1995 Three Person Show, with Ramon Puig Cuyas and Xavier Domenech,
Neuer Schmuck Gallery, Hanover, Germany
1995 “Shining Through’, Crafts Council Summer Festival, London
1995 Modern British Jewellery 1945-1995, Landesmuseum, Mainz, Germany
1995 La Joia i el Seu Dibiux, Hipotesi Gallery, Barcelona
1995 Young Printmakers, Galerié Duna, Barcelona
1995-6 Spanish Contemporary Jewellery, Château Museé, Cagnes-sur-mer,France
1996 New Jewellery From Scotland, University of Northumbria, England
1997-99 The Art Supermarket, Edinburgh, Munich and London
1998 “Aromatica” Jewellery and Print Group Show, Broka
Gallery,Tokyo,Circus Gallery, Kaobe and Anry Gallery Nagoya, Japan
1998 “Jewellery Moves” international Jewellery Exhibition, National
Museums of Scotland, Edinburgh
1999-04 The Silent Scene, James Hockey Gallery, Farnham, England/Travelling
2000 Mixed Show, Barcelona Artists, Harakka, Finland
2000 Art Sites, Long Island, NY
2001 “Tierra de Nadie” Solo Show, Moncada Taller, Barcelona
2001 Jewellery from Barcelona, Velvet da Vinci Gallery, San Francisco, USA
2001 SOFA Chicago, Represented by The Scottish Gallery
2003 Between Worlds, Solo Show, Hipotesi, Barcelona
2003-04 Chess Set, Group Travelling Show, USA and UK
2004 Lightness, Reviving the Filigree, Travelling Exhibition, Portugal
2004 Jewellery from Spain, Beeld&Aambeeld,Enschede, Holland
2005 Triennale Europeene du Bijou Contemporain Domaine Du Chateau de
Seneffe, Belgium
2005 Maker, Wearer, Viewer, Narrative Jewellery Show, Glasgow, Edinburgh ,
2005 A Hundred Brooch Exhibition, Velvet da Vinci Gallery, San Fransisco
2005 “Wandering Earth” Solo Show, The Scottish Gallery,Edinburgh, Scotland
2006 “Across Unnamed Seas” Solo Show, Al “65”, Vilanova i la Geltrú, Spain
2007 Schmuck “2007”, Munich, Germany
2007 A Hundred Earring Show, Velvet da Vinci, San Francisco, USA
2007 “Between Sky and Earth” Solo show, Paintings and Jewellery, Queen’s Hall
Arts Centre, Hexham, Northumberland, England
2007 Contemporary Jewellery Group Show, Galeria Corrente d’Arte,
Lisbon, Portugal
2008 “Collect” The Scottish Gallery” V&A Museum, London
2008 A Hundred Pendant Show, Velvet da Vinci Gallery, San Francisco, USA
2008 Print a Book, La Librería Loring Art, Barcelona
2008 “Garbage Pin Project”, Lisbon and travelling.
2009 Imagine Book, Sant Jordi, Barcelona, Spain
2009 Sale of the Century, Woolworths 100th Anniversary Exhibition, England
2009 Arte Faleria Festival, Roma, Italy
2009 Solo Show, Espacio Isabel&Canseco, Oviedo, Spain

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